Sl.No. |
Name |
Designation |
Position |
1 | Dr. Jugananda Sut | Principal, Dhakuakhana College (Autonomous) | Chairman |
2 | Dr. Kanchan Gogoi | | IQAC Coordinator |
3 | Sri Prakash Upadhyaya | | Academic Coordinator |
4 | Dr. Sonit Kumar Bhuyan | | Academic Coordinator |
5 | Paharee Konwar | | Nodal Officer |
6 | Dr. Manash Jyoti Neog | Principal, Harhi College | Expert from outside the College (Education) |
7 | Dr. Pankaj Bharali | Scientist C, NEIST | Expert from outside the College (Science) |
8 | Dr. Chakradhaj Mili | MBBS | Expert from outside the College (Medicine) |
9 | Sri Ranjit Boruah | | Expert from outside the College (Law) |
10 | Dr. Anjan Borgohain | Associate Professor, Dhakuakhana College | Controller of Examination |
11 | Sri Jukti Ratna Saikia | Associate Professor, Dhakuakhana College | Member Secretary |
12 | All HoDs of Dhakuakhana College (Autonomous) | | |